On Wednesday, my mom, my sister Jaden, and I all loaded up and went to Vegas so that we could watch the National Finals Rodeo. (a.k.a. the NFR) I had to work pretty hard to pull that off, what with finals starting tomorrow and all. I convinced my wonderful and loving roommate to turn in an English paper for me, which was the only thing holding me back from going. We got there late Wednesday night, after the rodeo had begun. My aunt and uncle from Arizona, (technically it's my grandma's cousin and his wife, but it's tons easier to call them aunt and uncle) with their three rowdy kids, offered to let us come and eat breakfast at their hotel. In the main eating area of the hotel, there's a built-in pond with swans swimming around, and workers have lettuce that they can give to the kids to feed the swans. It was fun watching the kids feed the swans, and watching the swans (which were really calm, unlike I had suspected they would be)
It's blurry, but this is my aunt Kristy, my Mom, and Jaden, Sammy, Lily and Max feeding the swans at the hotel |
Thursday night my mom and I went to the rodeo, while everyone else went to Lion King, the Musical. Then again on Friday night, we went to the rodeo with my Grandma and my sister, Jaden. I can honestly think of no better way to spend a Friday night than at the National Finals Rodeo in Las Vegas.
And here I am tonight back in good ol' Aurora, Utah. Tomorrow I head back to college for finals. By this time next week I'll be back for almost an entire month during Christmas break. I couldn't be more excited! :) Well, off to bed for me so that I can be rested to take my math final tomorrow. Good thing to get my least favorite subject done and over with first!
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