We'll start with christmas. Since I got a second semester in college as my main christmas present, (which was definitely good enough for me) I didn't get much as far as material stuff goes. But on christmas eve, my cousins and uncle came over to pick up a truck we had. They discovered a leak in the fuel line, so while we waited for them to fix it, the whole crew pulled out the sleds and went sledding down the gigantic mound of snow and had an absolute blast. Jaden's dog, Boo, had almost as much fun, if not more fun than the kids by chasing the sleds down the hill and catching snowballs in midair.
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Clara and Jaden helping Tatelynn and Stetson get ready to sled down the snow hill |
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Stetson was a little more cooperative with the picture taking while Jaden prepared him to sled down the hill. i think his mother may have trained him well ;) |
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Boo staring at the snowball preparing to catch it before i dropped it for her. (this is the best picture i could get. i discovered it's really hard to get the timing right on things like this) |
The one downfall to this semester so far, is that every one of my teachers (okay, except for my institute and math teachers) have managed to embarrass me in front of the entire class. On the first day of the semester, I found myself with a very large problem. I couldn't figure out where the building was that my criminal law class was supposed to be in. So after searching the entire campus, I asked a woman in an office if she happened to know where my class was. Unfortunately, she didn't. But she looked up the class on her computer, and told me where it was supposed to be. Since I was about five minutes late to class, I tried to draw as little attention as possible to myself as I found a seat and sat down. Not thirty seconds after I had sat down, my teacher proceeded to tell me in a very loud voice, "Oh, Laura! You signed up for this class on the San Juan campus! You should probably go to the registrars office and get that changed!" (which completely explained why i couldn't find the building the class was supposed to be in, but completely mortified me)
One day in psychology, our teacher was trying to explain how professional psychologists perform studies. As an example, he said that he would do a study on intelligence and that you were smart if you knew how to tie your shoes. He proceeded to look at the shoes of all those on the front row and tell them that they were stupid if they weren't wearing shoes that were tied. He got to the end of the first row, and I began to get nervous because I was sitting on the end of the second row, and I would be the next one to have my intelligence critiqued. (I was very much regretting my choice of wearing boots for that day) My nervous feeling didn't last long, because after he finished with the front row, he began talking about something else. Unfortunately, my small victory didn't last for long. As soon as he finished his thought, he looked at my choice of shoes for that day, looked me straight in the eye, and said, "You're wearing boots! You're not smart!" (which he was obviously joking, but it still caused the girls on the row in front of me to turn and look at the shoes I was wearing, and caused me extreme embarrassment)
To save money, I ordered all my textbooks online. (which really does save a lot of money) After I finally recieved my textbook for my English class, I was devastated to find that it was the eight edition instead of the ninth. Before I ordered the new edition, I decided to consult the teacher beforehand. (with some of the classes, the teachers don't require the newest editions of the books) I ran into him on campus, and asked him about it. He said that it was probably missing some essays and such, but that I should be fine. The next day, in the middle of class he proceeded to tell the entire class that I had bought the wrong edition. Then he said, "That's probably why she only paid ten dollars for it!!" Once again, complete embarrassment in front of the entire class! (and this class has a super cute guy in it!!) Then twice during the class, he would tell the class to turn to a certain page in the book and say "Sorry Laura, I don't know what page it is in your book!" all I could think is "everything will be just fine as long as you stop drawing attention to me!"
Well that's enough for now. It's definitely time for me to go to bed. I'm still not completely caught up, but I can barely think straight, so that's a sign that it's time to get some rest. Good night all! :)
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